________________ CM . . . . Volume XXII Number 37. . . .May 27, 2016


Good Pirate.

Kari-Lynn Winters. Illustrated by Dean Griffiths.
Toronto, ON: Pajama Press, 2016.
32 pp., hardcover, $19.95.
ISBN 978-1-927485-80-4.

Subject Headings:
Pirates-Juvenile fiction.
Dogs-Juvenile fiction.
Fathers and daughters-Juvenile fiction.
Values-Juvenile fiction.

Kindergarten-grade 3 / Ages 5-8.

Review by Reesa Cohen.

*** /4

Reviewed from F&Gs.



The foul captain, Barnacle Garrick,
and his sea pups practiced their plundering.

“Them Tuna Lubbers
stole me booty
and I wants it back.”

His daughter, the fancy
Augusta, fixed her bandana
and licked her fur clean.
Who’s reekin o’ clean?
If yez be Rotten
they won’t smell ye.

Quiet down, mateys.

If yez be Sneaky,
they won’t see ye.

But most important, me sea dogs,
if yez be Brainy,
they won’t trap ye.


The crew, first introduced in Bad Pirate is back, with Captain Garrick, his daughter Augusta and the rest of the mangy sea pups. These same characters are all front and centre in another exuberant, lively, story. Although being rotten, sneaky, and brainy are characteristics that are prized by the captain if you are to be a successful pirate, his daughter is cut from a different cloth, loving all things that are fancy. Many in the crew, like Squid and Bones, admire and copy her manners, which gets them thrown into the brig. In order to please her father and try to fit in, Augusta attempts to abandon her love of beautiful things and tries to be “foul and useful”. But the scent of vanilla derails her plans, and she, too, ends up in the brig instead of “pillagin’ with the rest of the crew. When her father and his sea pups are captured by a bunch of pirate cats, sweet smelling Augusta devises a plan that saves the day and proves that ingenuity can come from a fancy, yet brainy, dog.

internal art     Winters once again makes use of delightful dialogue peppered with tons of pirate and nautical terms, many of which can be found and explained on the cleverly designed end papers. The story is skillfully written and inventive and is a must for reading aloud! The dynamic and expressive illustrations are a perfect match for the energetic and rhythmic language. Griffiths’ use of rich colors and detail elevates the story and makes this doggie crew so engaging.


Reesa Cohen is a retired Instructor of Children’s Literature and Information Literacy at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, MB.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@umanitoba.ca.

Copyright © the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.
Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
Hosted by the University of Manitoba.

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